Introducing Bernat All-In-One Blanket Granny, our best-selling super soft chenille blanket yarn now in a unique five-color effect, designed to give you the perfect granny square every time!
Sit back and relax as Bernat All-In-One Blanket Granny is easy to use and handles your color changes, removing the complication of switching between yarns and reducing the number of ends so you can focus on your crafting without distractions. Each ball makes four granny squares, with five balls making a full-sized blanket, allowing you to stitch up your next statement piece in no time at all. Perfect for all things home decor, snuggle up under your next granny squares project today!
Explore these resources to reveal the secrets of these fantastic yarns:
All Bernat All In One Blanket Granny yarns are OEKO-TEX® certified against more than 300 harmful substances. Learn more about this safety rating.